Taking Your Goals & Vision From Abstraction to Actualization
You're an entrepreneur.
You're programmed for movement-
to grow more, to achieve more, to be more.
Currently, you're at a crossroads.
Either continue your business the best way you know how, or evolve & become the competition.
Let's map out the needs of your business,
& build your successful future.
Enneagram 8: Protective Challenger
As an Eight, I ensure I have all the information available before I make a decision. I will always opt for doing what is ethically correct.
Myers Briggs: ENTJ-A
The Commander
Known by many for my productivity, efficiency and focus, I have never missed a deadline. I relate to "The Commander" definition most in my ability to examine situations from every angle & strategically map out a plan to achieve a vision. Rather than being overwhelmed by problems, I am energized by finding ways to solve them!
Thinking outside the box is where all the possibilities are!
The Presuader
The Persuader personality rings true because, the main characteristic is a love of working with others to achieve a goal - This is me to my core! Staying optimistic, & flexible, are my keys to successful teamwork!
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I respond to all messages
within 24 hours.